Do Refrigerator Filters Do Enough?

Your thirst has brought you to the kitchen, where you want to water. So, you go to the fridge and use the dispenser to get a drink. The question, "How do you know the water is clean?" arises as you drink. It's a scary idea, for sure. Yet, it's a vital inquiry to make. After all, many consumers purchase refrigerators with a built-in water tap & assume it provides them with FRIGIDAIRE Eptwfu01-15


How efficient refrigerator filters are -


·       There are indeed some toxins that a refrigerator water filter can't get rid of. So, to safeguard health, many homes will require more than just refrigerator filters. 

·       Learn how a GE refrigerator water filter can & can accomplish, as well as other preventative measures, by reading on! 

·       When you ask, "What does a refrigerator filter do?" you're asking the wrong question. 

·       A refrigerator filter is what? A simple carbon filter is used to purify the water that is dispensed from a refrigerator. 

·       Most refrigerator water filters are merely NSF 42 certified, meaning they can improve the water's smell and flavor by removing chlorine. 

·       Although most drinking water is provided with chlorine, removing it is important. There are other toxins of concern to many residents besides chlorine. 


What a Refrigerator Filter Can't Do? 


An ordinary refrigerator water filter is ineffective against all potential waterborne pollutants, and lead and chromium-6 are two of the most well-known contaminants on that list. Residents of Chicago should be concerned about exposure to both of these toxins. 


Due to the city's extensive lead service pipes, Chicago's water supply remains severely tainted. Also, the city's attempts to replace the wires have worsened the situation. 


Whirlpool refrigerator filters were the focus of a case against a pollutant. Although it has been a concern for years, it persists because businesses keep dumping their polluted garbage into Lake Michigan.




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